Gulaggh. Holanda
Vorkuta. 2008
Experimento sonoro? Noise? Ruido? Genialidad? Locura? y las respuestas te llevan al terror, al miedo, la esquizofrenia, la enfermedad y pesadillas, hay que tener cuidado, esto puede podrir el alma.
Desde que he descubierto esto, lo he escuchado muchas veces para tratar de entender, sin duda es algo que hay que intentar y cada vez que lo escucho lo entiendo mas y me da mas miedo.
El Gulag era un campo de trabajos forzados en Siberia la ultima G y H son de Global Holocaust
Track de 45 minutos, donde se utilizan violines, trompetas desafinadas, las voces de enfermos mentales. quiero dejar un fragmento de una entrevista que les hacen antes de cambiarse el nombre y donde hablan de otros discos.
:STALAGGH: is a Nihilistik Misanthropik audio-terrror projekt that was created in 2000 by leading
individuals from the Dutch and Belgian Black Metal and Noise/Elektro/Ambient scenes. :STALAGGH: propagates the sonic ideology of human genocide. For our audio-terrror we decided that a normal black metal vocalist was not what we were looking for. The pain and hate in the vocals must be real, not acted. We needed humans with a real mental illness. Only someone in constant mental pain or with a homicidal aggression could provide the vocals for our audio terrror.
The mind of the mentally deranged is far more interesting than the minds of sane people. Living in constant pain and fear causes the soul to fill with hate and despair and will give you visions of the realms of darkness and death. For those people these images feel real. That is why we use real insane people to do our vocals. They can transfer their mental suffering into sound for :STALAGGH: and we can spread their despair and fear across the minds of many others, and make it feel real to them as well. Our sound is very visual. When you listen to :STALAGGH: you will see mountains of corpses, scorched earth, total devastation, chaos and hell. We hope to drive normal humans insane. We have hidden many strange and mind-altering noises in our sound that are bound to make you mad, so you will only desire death.
2. Honestly you make the most un nerving Black industrial I’ve heard since MZ412 where do these Ideas come from?
Our first projek is called: Projekt Nihil and represents Nihilism and shows the listener that their existence is futile. For this first projekt we used 2 vocalists: a murder convict and a mental patient. The vocals of the murder convict represent feelings of hate and aggression. The vocals done by the mental patient represent pain and suffering. Their insanity will infest your soul. Screams of pain and hatred are much more intense than screaming lyrics. The murderer killed his mother at the age of 16 with over 30 knife stab wounds for no apparent reason. He spent four years in a maximum-security youth prison and after that, seven years in a prison for delinquents with a mental disease. He has an extreme aggression disorder and is very hard to handle. We have been in contact with him since he was released. After we told him what :STALAGGH: was all about he was very enthusiastic to participate. While recording Projekt Nihil he did some very excessive self-mutilation and he screamed all of his murderous aggression out of his soul. He has participated in both Projekt Nihil and Projekt Terrror.
The mental patient was a very sad human being as he was in constant mental pain. He was a man with extreme anorexia nervosa and was about 45 kilo in weight. He also had borderline syndrome and had been in and out of mental hospitals for many years. It was very hard to persuade him to participate in the :STALAGGH: projekt. After the recording he said that doing some of the vocals was the best therapy he ever had. He killed himself a few months after the recording of Projekt Nihil. We used a drawing by him on the inside of the digi-pack edition of Projekt Nihil.
Our second projekt is called Projekt Terrror and it’s main goal it to terrorize the listener and is much more aggressive and disturbing than our first projekt. For the creation of Projekt Terrror we have used three new mental patients including one female. Our third and final projekt is Projekt Misanthropia. It will be our most extreme. We are trying to find at least 10 mentally deranged humans who are willing to scream out their hatred towards mankind. This will be mixed with totally insane black metal and extreme noise/electronics. This projekt will be almost impossible to endure for the listener and it will drown your soul in extreme hatred. Expect something like you have never heard before.
The mind of the mentally deranged is far more interesting than the minds of sane people. Living in constant pain and fear causes the soul to fill with hate and despair and will give you visions of the realms of darkness and death. For those people these images feel real. That is why we use real insane people to do our vocals. They can transfer their mental suffering into sound for :STALAGGH: and we can spread their despair and fear across the minds of many others, and make it feel real to them as well. Our sound is very visual. When you listen to :STALAGGH: you will see mountains of corpses, scorched earth, total devastation, chaos and hell. We hope to drive normal humans insane. We have hidden many strange and mind-altering noises in our sound that are bound to make you mad, so you will only desire death.
2. Honestly you make the most un nerving Black industrial I’ve heard since MZ412 where do these Ideas come from?
Our first projek is called: Projekt Nihil and represents Nihilism and shows the listener that their existence is futile. For this first projekt we used 2 vocalists: a murder convict and a mental patient. The vocals of the murder convict represent feelings of hate and aggression. The vocals done by the mental patient represent pain and suffering. Their insanity will infest your soul. Screams of pain and hatred are much more intense than screaming lyrics. The murderer killed his mother at the age of 16 with over 30 knife stab wounds for no apparent reason. He spent four years in a maximum-security youth prison and after that, seven years in a prison for delinquents with a mental disease. He has an extreme aggression disorder and is very hard to handle. We have been in contact with him since he was released. After we told him what :STALAGGH: was all about he was very enthusiastic to participate. While recording Projekt Nihil he did some very excessive self-mutilation and he screamed all of his murderous aggression out of his soul. He has participated in both Projekt Nihil and Projekt Terrror.
The mental patient was a very sad human being as he was in constant mental pain. He was a man with extreme anorexia nervosa and was about 45 kilo in weight. He also had borderline syndrome and had been in and out of mental hospitals for many years. It was very hard to persuade him to participate in the :STALAGGH: projekt. After the recording he said that doing some of the vocals was the best therapy he ever had. He killed himself a few months after the recording of Projekt Nihil. We used a drawing by him on the inside of the digi-pack edition of Projekt Nihil.
Our second projekt is called Projekt Terrror and it’s main goal it to terrorize the listener and is much more aggressive and disturbing than our first projekt. For the creation of Projekt Terrror we have used three new mental patients including one female. Our third and final projekt is Projekt Misanthropia. It will be our most extreme. We are trying to find at least 10 mentally deranged humans who are willing to scream out their hatred towards mankind. This will be mixed with totally insane black metal and extreme noise/electronics. This projekt will be almost impossible to endure for the listener and it will drown your soul in extreme hatred. Expect something like you have never heard before.
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